ecologiCAD - Database

ecologiCAD is based on a database with ecological indicators. The database assigns all indicators to process types, materials, feature types, methods, process prediction rules, and life cycle phases. Thereby, the matching indicators can automatically be assigned to the processes, depending on the mentioned parameters.


All entries can supply sources and descriptions. The database can be managed and extended by using Microsoft Excel or similar programs.


The delivered database provides the following types of indicators for more than 380 processes:


* EI99 (mPt) - Eco Indicator 99 LCA

* EI95 (mPt) - Eco Indicator 95 LCA

* TOPP (g) - Tropospheric Ozone Precursor Potential

* SO2 (g) - Sulphur Dioxide

* CO2 (g) - Carbon Dioxide

* CER total (kWh) - total Cumulated Energy Requirement

* CER non-renewable (kWh) - non-renewable CER

* CER renewable (kWh) - renewable CER

* CER other (kWh) - other CER

* CMR total (g) - total Cumulated Material Requirement

* CMR non-renewable (g) - non-renewable CMR

* CMR renewable (g) - renewable CMR

* CMR other (g) - other CMR

* SO2 (g) - Sulphur Dioxide

* NOX (g) - Nitrogen Oxides

* HCl (g) - Hydrogen Chloride

* HF (g) - Hydrogen Fluoride

* CO (g) - Carbon Monoxide

* NMVOC (g) - Non Methane Volatile Organic Compounds

* CO2 (g) - Carbon Dioxide

* CH4 (g) - Methane

* N2O (g) - Nitrous Oxide

* Per fluoride-methane (g)

* Per fluoride-ethane (g)

* ash (g)

* FGD residue (g) - Flue Gas Desulphurisation Residue)

* sewage sludge (g)

* production wastes (g)

* overburden (g)

* nuclear waste (g)

* N (g) - Nitrogen

* AOX (g) - Absorbable Organic Halogens

* COD (g) - Chemical Oxygen Demand

* BOD (g) - Biochemical Oxygen Demand

* inorganic salts (g)

* land use (cm²)


The sources for the currently provided indicators are the Eco Indicator 95 and Eco Indicator 99 designer manuals ( and the Global Emission Model for Integrated Systems (


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